
Land transfer tax (LTT) is often overlooked when considering the total cost of purchasing a home. All provinces have a land transfer tax, except Alberta and Saskatchewan, who instead levy a much smaller transfer fee. In most provinces the tax is calculated as a % of property value, using asking price as a close estimate. Home buyers in Toronto, unfortunately, also incur an additional municipal tax. However, Ontario, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island and the city of Toronto offer land transfer tax rebates for first-time home buyers to offset the unwelcome cost.


Ontario land transfer tax

Purchase price of home Marginal tax rate
First $55,000 0.5%
On $55,000 to $250,000 1.0%
On $250,000 to $400,000 1.5%
Over $400,000 2.0%

Source: Ontario Ministry of Revenue, "Land Transfer Tax."


Ontario first-time home buyer land transfer tax rebate

The Ontario land transfer tax rebate is equal to the full value of the land transfer tax up to a maximum of $2,000.


  • The buyer must be older than 18 years
  • The buyer must occupy the home within nine months of purchase
  • The buyer cannot have owned a home anywhere in the world
  • The buyer's spouse cannot have owned a home while being your spouse
  • If you are purchasing a new home, it must be eligible for home warranty

Based on Ontario land transfer tax rates, the rebate will cover the fully taxed amount on houses up to $227,500. For houses over $227,500, home buyers will receive the maximum $2,000 rebate. To obtain this refund, you need to apply within 18 months after the purchase of the home.1

Souce: Ontario Ministry of Revenue, "Land Transfer Tax Refund for First-time Homebuyers" 


Toronto land transfer tax

If purchasing a home in Toronto, there is an additional municipal land transfer tax. Toronto's land transfer tax applies within the following boundaries: Steeles Avenue as the North border, Etobicoke as the West border, Scarborough as the East border, and Lake Ontario as the South border.

Purchase price of home Marginal Tax rate
First $55,000 0.5%
On $55,000 to $400,000 1.0%
Over $400,000 2.0%

Source: City of Toronto, "Municipal Land Transfer Tax"


Toronto first-time home buyer land transfer tax rebate

First-time home buyers in Toronto of new and resale homes are eligible to receive a refund up to a maximum of $3,725.


  • The buyer must be older than 18 years
  • The buyer must occupy the home within nine months of purchase
  • The buyer cannot have owned a home anywhere in the world
  • The buyer's spouse cannot have owned a home while being your spouse
  • If you are purchasing a new home, it must be eligible for home warranty

Based on Toronto land transfer tax rates, first-time home buyers with homes of $400,000 or less will avoid the tax altogether.

Source: City of Toronto, "Municipal Land Transfer Tax"


British Columbia land transfer tax

Purchase price of home Marginal Tax rate
First $200,000 1.0%
Over $200,000 2.0%

Source: Government of British Columbia, "Property Transfer Tax"


British Columbia first-time home buyer land transfer tax rebate

First time homebuyers are eligible to receive a full land transfer tax refund on homes purchased for $425,000 or less. On homes purchased between $426,000 - $450,000, the first-time home buyer will be eligible for a partial refund equal to [ ($450K - fair market value) / 25K ] * LTT amount.


You can qualify for the first time home buyer land transfer tax rebate if:

  • You are Canadian citizens or permanent residents as determined by Immigration Canada
  • You have lived in British Columbia for 12 consecutive months prior to the date the property is registered or have filed 2 income taxes in British Columbia in the 6 years before the property is registered
  • You have never owned an interest in a principal residence anywhere in the world at anytime
  • You have never received a first time home buyers' exemption or refund

Your property qualifies for the first-time home buyer land transfer tax rebate if:

  • The fair market value of the property is not more than $425,000
  • The land is (0.5) hectares or smaller
  • The property will only be used as your primary residence

For more information, see the Government of British Columbia website.

Source: Government of British Columbia, "First Time Home Buyers Program"


Alberta land title transfer fees

Though Alberta does not have a land transfer tax, it does charge title transfer fees. There are two fees: one levied on the property value, and the second on the mortgage amount as follows:

  • $35 + $1 for every $5,000 or part therof of property value
  • $15 + $1 for every $5,000 or part therof of mortgage amount

Source: Service Alberta, "Land Titles Act - Tarrif of fees regulation"


Saskatchewan land title transfer fees

Though Saskatchewan does not have a land transfer tax, they do have a land title fee. This fee is often paid by your lawyer when they are filling out the land title form on your behalf.

Purchase price of home Title transfer fee
$1 - $500
$501 - $8,400
Over $8,401 0.30% of property value

Source: Information Services Corporation (ISC), "Land Titles Fees"


Manitoba land transfer tax

Property value
Marginal Tax rate
First $30,000 No tax
On $30,001 - $90,000 0.5%
On $90,001 - $150,000 1.0%
On $150,001 - $200,000
On Over $200,001 2.0%

Source: Government of Manitoba, "Land Transfer Tax"


Quebec land transfer tax

Purchase price of home Marginal Tax rate
First $50,000 0.5%
On $50,000 to $250,000 1.0%
Over $250,000 1.5%

Source: "Land Transfer Tax", Century 21 Elite Estates Limited, 1 January 2006, Web 23 November 2010


New Brunswick Real Property Transfer Tax Act

In New Brunswick, the land transfer tax is currently 0.25% of the assessed value of the property. For example, on a purchase of a house assessed to be worth $100,000, the tax payable is $250.

Source: Public Legal Education end Information Service of New Brunswick


Prince Edward Island land trasfer tax

In Prince Edward Island (PEI), land transfer tax is calculated as follows:

  • 1% of the greater of purchase price or property value
  • In cases where the property value is less than $30,000, no transfer tax is charged

Source: Government of PEI, "Real Property Transfer Tax"


Prince Edward Island first-time home buyer land transfer tax rebate

First-time home buyers who are purchasing in PEI are exempt from paying land transfer tax under the following circumstances:

  • Property value and purchase prices are below $200,000
  • Individuals are occupying home as primary residence

Also, if there is more than one purchaser, both purchasers must qualify as a first time home buyer.

Source: Governement of PEI, "First Time Home Buyer Requirements"


Nova Scotia land transfer tax

For homes in the Halifax area, the land transfer tax is 1.5% of the purchase price of the home.

For land transfer tax rates outside of the Halifax area, please see the Nova Scotia land transfer tax tables.

Source: Government of Nova Scota, "Deed Transfer Tax".


Northwest Territories land transfer tax

In the North West Territories, land transfer tax is calculated as a percentage of the property value and mortgage amount as follows:

  • $1.50 for every $1,000 or part therof of property value (subject to a minimum charge of $100)
  • $1 for every $1,000 or part therof of property value (for part of property value greater than $1,000,000)
  • $1 for every $5,000 or part therof of mortgage amount (subject to a minimum charge of $80)

Source: Government of North West Territories, "Land Titles Fees"



Newfoundland Registration of Deeds Act

In Newfoundland and Labrador, the land tranfer tax is levied on the property value and mortgage amount as follows:

  • For properties and mortgage under $500, a flat fee of $100 is charged
  • For properties over $500, $100 + 0.4% of the mortgage amount is charged

Source: Government of Newfoundland and Labrador


Yukon Territory Land Titles Act

Property value
Marginal Tax rate
First $1,000 $6.00
On $1,000 - $3,000 $7.50
On $3,000 - $5,000
For each $1,000 or fraction thereof over $5,000 and up to $10,000 $1.50
For each $1,000 or fraction thereof over $10,000 and up to $25,000


For each $1,000 or fraction thereof over $25,000


Additional fees may apply.

Source: Land Titles Office, Department of Justice, Yukon Territory

Main Branch: 255 Duncan Mill Road, Unit 702 Toronto ON, M3B 3H9 Tel: 416.222.3222   Fax: 416.222.3228
Mississauga Branch: 333 Dundas Street, E. Suite#210 Mississauga, Ontario, L5A 1X1 Tel: 905.232.7575   Fax: 905.232.7574
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